A Musical Celebration of a Life Well Lived

Lance Russwurm performs at A Musical Celebration of a Life Well Lived

Playing at the Tribute: Grant Heywood, Lance Russwurm and Paul Weber

Playing at the Tribute: Grant Heywood, Lance Russwurm and Paul Weber

Lance sings on the radio with his parents, Lynn and Laura circa 1950s

Lance sings on the radio with his parents, Lynn and Laura Russwurm, circa 1950s

Lynn and Lance play at cousin Lincolns's anniversary

Lynn and Lance play at cousin Lincolns’s anniversary

Lance and Lynn on stage at Gore Park with Grant Heywood, Doug Dietrich, Stan Taylor, Shirley Russwurm

Lance and Lynn on stage at Gore Park
with Grant Heywood, Doug Dietrich, Bob Tremblay, Stan Taylor, Shirley Russwurm

Lynn at the Commercial on his 80th

Lynn performing at the Commercial Tavern for his 80th Birthday with Doug Dietrich, Gerry Smith and Paul Weber

Lance singing his father's songs

Lance sings his father’s songs


The music plays on…


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