Sunday November 4th, 2012
Lynn will have a table at the Kitchener Toy and Collectibles Expo at the Bingeman’s Ballroom, 425 Bingemans Centre Drive (see map) in Kitchener. Lynn will be selling some of his old pulp magazines, big little books and ’78s. The show runs from 10:00am – 3pm.
[Rumour has it that Lance Russwurm will be nearby at the Kitchener Model Train Show.]
You’ll also be able to find Lynn at the Woodstock Nostalgia Show and Sale on November 18th, 2012. This show is being held Oxford Auditorium and the Mutual/Market Buildings, on the Woodstock Fairgrounds, 875 Nellis Street (see map) from 10:00am – 3pm. Lynn isn’t planning on doing any more shows after this one.